Friday, October 11, 2013

Stew with Goat Meat

I was talking to one of my cousins and he was telling me his journey to making stew. He said all he did was to put maggi and tomatoes and that was it, and at the end of the cooking, it came out not too good. So i told him that i will be making stew and will post the recipe just for him. So today's recipe is for my cousin Kachi. The recipe is very easy especially for people on the go, it does not require a lot of preparation and the blender is your friend. It also good for people who are trying to eat healthy because the recipe doesn't require oil. I always try to find easy and healthy ways to make food. Check out the recipe below and let me know if you agree with me.


Goat Meat
1 Tomato sauce
4 Fresh tomatoes
1/2 red onions
1 fresh hot pepper
2 bell pepper
4 gloves of garlic
Ginger (size of the garlic)
Salt and Pepper
I know cube
What to do

Step 1: Prepare your goat meat, Rinse and add to the pot, put about 3 cups of water, add salt and pepper and let cook for 20 minutes. ( 3 cups of water will let you have some broth left over when the meat is done)

Step 2: After 20 minutes check if the goat is soft and take out and put in a bowel to cool down, you should have some broth left

Step 3: Cut into smaller pieces and put back in the pot with the broth

Step 4: Once your goat is back in the pot, gather your tomatoes, bell pepper, hot pepper, garlic, onions and ginger and wash them

Step 5: Put everything in a blender and add the tomatoes sauce and Maggi

Step 7: Blend until it becomes a paste

Step 8: Add your paste to your meat and let boil for 20 minutes, string occasionally, taste and see if it needs salt or pepper.

Step 9: After 20 minutes, its ready 

Serve and enjoy

I ate mine with white rice but you can eat it with anything

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