Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Turkey Fried Rice

I came home from work hungry as a bird. I checked the fridge but there was nothing except the left over white rice that I made the night before. I was happy when I saw the rice but then the bad news was that there was no stew. I was very hungry and wanted something quick to eat. I was looking through the fridge and thinking of what to eat with the white rice and then I saw that I had a little turkey left over and I decided to make something with it. This recipe is for that boring white rice you have in your fridge and also for that moment you need to be creative to prepare a meal. You can make this without the turkey and with fresh white rice. But in this case I just worked with what I he'd. Check out the recipe below and leave a comment!!!!!

Olive oil
6 piece of smoked turkey
1 small bag of mix vegetable
3 Fresh tomatoes
2 sweet pepper ( from my dad's garden)
1/2 red onions
1/2 tsp of Salt ( you can add more once you taste the food)
1 tsp of Red pepper ( I like my food a little spicy)
1/2 tsp of curry 

What to do

Step 1: Wash and cook your turkey for 20 minutes adding 1/2 tsp of salt and pepper

Step 2: While the turkey is cooking, gather and cut your onions, tomatoes, sweet pepper and warm your white rice in the microwave

Step 3: Once turkey is done, cut up into small pieces

Step 4: Add 2 tsp of olive oil in a sauce pan and add your turkey, let stand for 2 mins

Step 5: Add your onions, tomatoes and sweet pepper and let cook for 3 minutes ( add salt, red pepper and curry to taste)

Step 6: Add mixed vegetables

Step 7: Add a cup of water and let cook for 5 mins ( taste and see if it need any salt or pepper)

Step 8: Add rice and mix together

Step 9: Let cool, serve and enjoy