Sunday, August 25, 2013

Pepper Gizzard

This recipe is dedicated to my sister, Daonyi and cousin Okeorji (the only way i get him to come by to help me with something). My sister and cousin has been asking me to make this or to at least to put the recipe up on the blog. I happened to have some visitors over this weekend who requested for this particular dish. So I finally made this recipe and I wanted to share it with everyone. This recipe is not difficult but take about 30 to 40 minutes to prepare, but I consider it to be fun all the way through. FYI: this dish is very spicy but is really tasty


2 Packs of Gizzard
1 Bell pepper
2 Tomatoes
1 know cube
2 Gloves of Garlic
4 Fresh Red chill pepper
Ginger( a size of a glove of garlic)
5 tbs of olive oil
1 Spoon of Red pepper
1 tsp of garlic salt
1 onions ( cut up half & blend half)

What to do

Step 1: Gather your Ingredients

Step 2: Put Gizzard in pot, add 1 tsp of salt and fill with water, boil for 20 minutes or until soft

Step 3: While the gizzard is boiling, blend your tomatoes, bell pepper,  fresh chill pepper half onions, garlic, ginger and know cube

Step 4: Once Gizzard is done, put olive oil in wok and add your cooked gizzard,  stir fry for 5 minutes,

Step 5: Add your cut up onions, 1 tsp of salt and mix together, stir fry for 2 minutes

Step 6: Add you blended mix and mix together

Step 7: Add a spoon of red pepper and mix together, let boil for 5 minutes, stir occasionally

Step 8: Taste and see if it needs anything 

Step 9: Turn off the heat, let stand for a few minutes and serve

I served it with rice 

You can eat it alone or serve with rice


  1. so is the rice specially made or normal..

    1. I made the jollof rice earlier in the day, I will post the recipe soon!!! Thanks!!!
