Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dinner Tonight- Jollof Rice with Salmon

Earlier today I was at work thinking of what to eat for dinner. I remembered that my husband(Uche) has been asking me to make Jollof rice for him since he bought avocado last weekend. After we got home I only had a few minutes to make the food before going to my kickboxing class. That class was no joke, I was sweating like a Christmas goat. The funniest thing was that at the middle of the class, Uche couldn't take it anymore and ran away but he later came back toward the end of class. The instructor made everyone do 20 push ups because we are supposedly a team. I'm finally home, a little sore but ready to share my dinner recipe with you. Enjoy!!!!

4 cups of rice
2 Filet of Salmon
4 tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil
3 Plum tomatoes
1 onions
1/2 Red Pepper
1 bag of mixed vegetables
1 tin tomato paste
Salt and Pepper to taste
Garlic and Parsley Salt

What to do

Step 1:Gather all your ingredient together

 Step 2: Put the rice on the rice cooker to cook and then you can start making the stew

Step 3: Cut the onions, red pepper and tomatoes

Step 4:Boil the Salmon for 5 minutes and cut it up

Step 5: Get a saute pan and put  olive oil and saute the cut up salmon for 3 minutes during that time also add a little garlic salt and pepper for great flavor

 Step 6: Put the cut up onions, red pepper and plum tomatoes and saute for 5 minutes

Step 7: add the mix vegetable and let simmer for a 5 minutes

Step 8: Add the tin tomatoes to give you that pretty red color and a cup of water, let it boil for 15 minutes. Taste and see whether it needs salt or pepper. I try not to use to many spices.

Step 9: Right about now the rice should be almost done. Transfer the cook rice to a pot and pour your stew over the rice and mix it together, cover pot and let stand for 10 minutes

Step 10: Turn off the stove and let stand for a few minutes before you serve
You can eat with avocado


  1. Love the blog!!!!! And the recipe!!! Will try it soonest!!
