Thursday, August 15, 2013


I have been a little under the weather for the past two days that's why I haven't posted any new recipe. But I made "Suya", this is one of my favorite things to make and is always a hit anytime I make it.  I will like to share the recipe with you, hopefully you will come to love it as much as i do. The Suya came out really nice and my personal taster (Uche) was very pleased and till date is still requesting for more. Do try the recipe and let me know what you think.


A package of Beef (thin slice)
1/2 tsp of Salt
2 tsp of Pepper
3 tsp of Suya Spice( Straight from Najia)
1 tsp of extra virgin oil
6 Skewers (Suya Sticks)

Use a Grill

What to do

Step 1: Gather all your ingredients together

Step 2: Cut up your beef into cubes and add olive oil, salt, and pepper and mix
Step 3: Take the cut up beef and put on the skewer one at a time, put 3 in total and sprinkle Suya spice on top. As your putting the beef, turn on your grill to heat up.

Step 4: Flip the beef over and sprinkle Suya spice on the other side

Step 5: Put your Meat on the grill and let cook for about 5 minutes, checking frequently

Step 6: Flip the Meat on the other side and let cook for another 5 minutes

Step 7: Check after 5 minutes to see if done, if not cook for a few more minutes people have different ways they like there beef.

Step 8: Once done, let cool and serve

You can eat it with onions

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