Sunday, August 25, 2013

Watermelon and Pineapple Smoothies

I have a thing for smoothies and I always try different fruits to see how it will blend together. We happened to have watermelon in the fridge and I decided to blend it and see the turn out. It was great and I wanted to share the recipe with you. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed it. This is very easy to make and is good for breakfast especially for those on the go!!!


Cut up water melon
Cut up pineapple
1 cup of blueberry (Rich in antioxidant)
1 cup of almond milk (you can use soy or regular milk)
5 cubes of ice

What to do
Step 1: Gather all your ingredients

Step 2: Put your ingredients in the blender
Add Milk

Step 3: Blend by using liquefied until smooth

Step 4: Serve and enjoy!!!!!