Sunday, September 1, 2013

Akara Remix

Quote of the day "don't let anyone define your happiness, your happiness lay with you", enough of the deep stuff, the recipe for today is Akara with a twist. I bet you are wondering what is the twist, I used beans flour instead of the normal long process of making it. I had a taste for Akara but I did not have the energy required to make it. I discovered that beans flour is the same as beans used for making Akara.  I called my mom who is a master chef to tell me the step by step process of making Akara and it turned out great. It only took about 10 minutes to prepare. Here is what you need:


1 cups of beans flour
1 cup of room temperature water
1/2 onions
2 tsp of red pepper
2 cups of canola oil (for frying)
I know cube
A pinch of salt

What to do
Step 1: Gather all your Ingredients

Step 2: Cut your onions and set aside

Step 3: In a bowl, add 1 cup of flour, 1 cup of water, cut up onions, know cube, salt and pepper

Step 4: Stir thoroughly, make sure its consistent, not too thick or watery

Step 5: Set aside, and heat oil in a pan until hot

Step 6:  Using a medium sized spoon, scoop batter into oil. Let each side cook for about 2-3 minutes till it starts to turn dark brown.  

Step 7: Layer a plate with paper towel to drain excess oil, then scoop Akara out of the pan. 
