Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Vegetable Lo Mien

This recipe is in honor of my husband, I took a little time off from the blog and he encouraged me to get back and continue to share my ideas and views with my readers. Thanks for the support and encouragement. Sometimes in life you need that one person who understands and push you to achieve your goal. Enough of the sentiment, this recipe today will be a get addition to your thanksgiving table. We all love Chinese food and get mad when they don't make it the way we want. With this recipe you can make your Chinese food the way you want and will have fun doing it.  This recipe is great for my vegetarians and for everyone in general, I love me some vegetable lo mien. Below is the recipe, is easy and fast, and believe me if you have all the ingredients in your kitchen, your favorite Chinese restaurant maybe loosing a customer!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Asun (Spicy Goat Meat)

TGIF, I look forward to friday every week. In honor of Friday, I made a recipe everyone can try out this weekend. Whether you are planning to habe people over or hanging out with friends, this recipe is sure to put everyone in a good mood. Asun is a snack that I enjoy once in awhile. Hubby usually get it for me occasionaly on Fridays from this Nigerian restaurant and I will always tell myself that I will try and make it one day. I came back from work and I decided to try it out, believe me it was a great. I guess theNigerian restaurant has lost a consumer. Check out the reciepe below and let me know what you think!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Black Beans and Corn Salad

Happy Monday Everyone!!! Hope you had a great weekend. My weekend was great, I slept in and attended my Aunt and Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary dinner (love is a beautiful thing). Chechiz Kitchen of course was in the house. I was asked to make some dishes for the event, which turned out to be a hit. I made pasta and black beans and corn salad for the dinner. Some people who went may wonder why they didn't see the black beans and corn salad. The reason being that the first set of people who tasted it, took the rest home. This dish is great for vegetarians and vegans because it has no meat or dairy products and is fresh. The dish is very easy to make and it doesn't require much effort. I used can corn and black beans but you can use fresh or frozen. Check out the recipe below!!!