Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kale Salad

Since having the baby is been hard to focus and get myself back to the groove. I have been trying to eat clean in order to lose weight and to get back to my pre-pregancy size. But since I am still breastfeeding I have to be careful about what I eat since the little one will be eating it too.  Also, you know how your Nigerian parents will always tell you that you need to eat so the baby would be full too, so i started eating alot of carbs and before I knew it, I gained an additional ten pounds. But am now back to taking my body back and having fun doing it with some yummy and clean recipes, anyone can try.  I have reduced my carb intake and have increased my vegetable intake.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Chicken Sautee

Having a newborn makes you learn how to use and spend your free time wisely. I have been trying to find a balance between work, a new baby, a husband and trying to get my body back. I realized it's not easy but it can be done. When i'm at home I try to make quick meals while the baby is sleeping, if not, then I would not have the opportunity to eat. Lately, I have been in the mood for chicken and since am trying to get my body back, I needed to find a healthy alternative. So here is what I came up with:

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Chechiz Kitchen is BACKKKK!!!!

Chechiz Kitchen is back, hope you missed me because I missed you guys. I know you are wondering what happened and why I took such a long break. While the answer is God blessed me with the most beautiful gift, my son Chiagoziem Jayden Ogbuokiri. He arrived July 14, 2014. So you see guys, I was pregnant and couldn’t stand the smell of Onions. So for the first 6 months of pregnancy I did not cook, my wonderful husband took over the cooking duties and did an amazing job. So that was why I have not posted any recent updates. But am officially backs (singing in my Mase voice: Welcome back, Welcome back, Welcome backkkk), thanks to all who kept encouraging me to come back. To my wonderful sister Daonyi who gave me “MORAL” every day, to my husband who told me to go back to doing what makes me happy and to my son (Chi mara nma) who melts my heart everyday with his smile, I say THANK YOU.  While enough of all this lovey dovey stuff!!! New recipes will be posted every Sunday, so please be on the lookout. I appreciate your support and look forward to sharing my food journey with you. In the meantime, here is a picture of a wonderful dish my husband made for me while pregnant; the recipe will be coming soon!!! Also please feel free to request for any recipe you want to see on the blog and I will try my best to post it. One more thing, Happy Birthday to my lovely sister Daugo, enjoy your day!!!