Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Kale Salad

Since having the baby is been hard to focus and get myself back to the groove. I have been trying to eat clean in order to lose weight and to get back to my pre-pregancy size. But since I am still breastfeeding I have to be careful about what I eat since the little one will be eating it too.  Also, you know how your Nigerian parents will always tell you that you need to eat so the baby would be full too, so i started eating alot of carbs and before I knew it, I gained an additional ten pounds. But am now back to taking my body back and having fun doing it with some yummy and clean recipes, anyone can try.  I have reduced my carb intake and have increased my vegetable intake.


1 bag of kale
3 teaspoon of coconut oil
1 bell red pepper
1/4 diced onions
8 oz baby portobello mushrooms sliced
2 gloves of garlic
1 tablespoon of balsamic vinegar
Salt and pepper to taste

What to do

1. Gather your ingredients


2. In a large skillet over medium heat, put your coconut oil. add the onions and pepper, saute for 2 minutes until soften. add the mushrooms and saute for several minutes until brown

3. Add kale, garlic, and balsamic vinegar. saute until the kale is deep green but not yet wilted.

3. Taste and add your salt and pepper

4.. Remove from heat and enjoy 

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