Sunday, January 18, 2015

Egusi Soup

Egusi soup is by far one of my favorite soup to eat. I make my soup a little different from the usual way but I achieve the same results. My way is usually easy, fast and yummy!!! If you have been following my blog you would know that I am not a fan of palm oil, so I usually find substitutes when a dish requires it. Using tomato sauce gives you the same taste that palm oil will give to your food.  Try this recipe and let me know if you actually notice any difference. This recipe is dedicated to a devoted reader Megan, she actually asked me to post this recipe. Megan this is for you!!!! If any of you have a recipe request please let me know and I will put it up.

Ofada Stew

During my pregnancy I had cravings for Ofada stew, is this peppery stew that is so good but so spicy. my husband spent a lot of money buying this stew because he cant stop a pregnant woman craving. After giving birth I totally forgot about the stew until we attended a family friends Christmas party were she made Ofada stew. After that day I took it upon myself to learn how to make this yummy addicting stew. I did some research and watched some YouTube videos and finally figured out how to make it. My method was a little different from how people made it, some people used palm oil and crayfish. I just used olive oil no crayfish. Other suggested to use chile pepper but I used green bell pepper, at the end of the day, I got the same result and hubby especially approved. If you have read my previous post you will understand why I did the substitute. I'm on the healthy part of trying to go back to my per-pregnancy weight. This stew is not something you eat everyday  because this stew is so good that you can eat a whole pot of white rice without even knowing it. Try it and let me know how it turned out. The process is easy but a little time consuming.  Try it on your day off.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Egg Omelet

Eggs are one of my favorite foods in this world. I can eat eggs anytime of the day, for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Being on this journey to get back to my pre pregnancy size, I have been trying to eat more vegetables even with my eggs. This turned out very good. Try it for yourself and let me know how it turned out.

Brown Rice Salad

Let me start by saying that I Love Rice( fried rice, jollef rice, white rice and stew) but my love for rice has affected my waist line. So still am on the part to weigh loss, I have been experimenting and finding some yummy food in the process. I am reducing my rice intake staying aware from carbs but being nigerian you know we love our rice. so I decided that instead of giving up rice completely maybe I would try brown rice. Trust me this recipe will make you start to eat brown rice. At the end if done correctly, it should taste a little bit like chipotle brown rice burrito.