Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Chin Chin

Growing up as a child I loved eating Chin Chin as a snack, I will always eat it at any given opportunity, During my pregnancy it was always my go to snack. I decided that I was going to learn how to make this delicious snack so that I could make it for my little man when he gets old enough. So you know when in doubt, mommy is always the answer. So I went to my Mom who showed me the step by step of how to make this delicious snack. Chin Chin is actually very easy to make and is not time consuming. So for my chin chin lovers do try this recipe and let me know how it turns out.

4 cups of flour
1 egg ( the picture shows 3 but i only used 1)
1 tsp of Nutmeg
1 tsp of Cinnamon
1tsp of baking powder
2 scops of butter
1 cup of sugar
1 cup of Milk
1/2 cup of water
Vegetable oil for frying

What to do
Step 1: Gather your ingredients
Step 2: In a bowl, add flour, sugar, baking powder, cinnamon, butter and egg, Mix together with your fingers

Step 3: Add milk and water, then work the dough for everything to come together

Step 4: On a cutting board or a flat surface, sprinkle flour and divide the dough into four. Use a rolling pin to smooth and flat the dough. Use a knife to cut through the dough. Repeat this step until all the dough are smooth and flat

Step 5: Heat Vegetable oil until hot, Put cut up dough in the oil and fry until golden brown. Take out and put on top of a paper towel to take out the extra oil. Enjoy once it cools down. 

1 comment:

  1. Nice one. I love ur works. Keep it up. Will definitely it dis weekend
