Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Vegetable Lo Mien

This recipe is in honor of my husband, I took a little time off from the blog and he encouraged me to get back and continue to share my ideas and views with my readers. Thanks for the support and encouragement. Sometimes in life you need that one person who understands and push you to achieve your goal. Enough of the sentiment, this recipe today will be a get addition to your thanksgiving table. We all love Chinese food and get mad when they don't make it the way we want. With this recipe you can make your Chinese food the way you want and will have fun doing it.  This recipe is great for my vegetarians and for everyone in general, I love me some vegetable lo mien. Below is the recipe, is easy and fast, and believe me if you have all the ingredients in your kitchen, your favorite Chinese restaurant maybe loosing a customer!!!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Asun (Spicy Goat Meat)

TGIF, I look forward to friday every week. In honor of Friday, I made a recipe everyone can try out this weekend. Whether you are planning to habe people over or hanging out with friends, this recipe is sure to put everyone in a good mood. Asun is a snack that I enjoy once in awhile. Hubby usually get it for me occasionaly on Fridays from this Nigerian restaurant and I will always tell myself that I will try and make it one day. I came back from work and I decided to try it out, believe me it was a great. I guess theNigerian restaurant has lost a consumer. Check out the reciepe below and let me know what you think!!!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Black Beans and Corn Salad

Happy Monday Everyone!!! Hope you had a great weekend. My weekend was great, I slept in and attended my Aunt and Uncle's 25th wedding anniversary dinner (love is a beautiful thing). Chechiz Kitchen of course was in the house. I was asked to make some dishes for the event, which turned out to be a hit. I made pasta and black beans and corn salad for the dinner. Some people who went may wonder why they didn't see the black beans and corn salad. The reason being that the first set of people who tasted it, took the rest home. This dish is great for vegetarians and vegans because it has no meat or dairy products and is fresh. The dish is very easy to make and it doesn't require much effort. I used can corn and black beans but you can use fresh or frozen. Check out the recipe below!!!

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Turkey Fried Rice

I came home from work hungry as a bird. I checked the fridge but there was nothing except the left over white rice that I made the night before. I was happy when I saw the rice but then the bad news was that there was no stew. I was very hungry and wanted something quick to eat. I was looking through the fridge and thinking of what to eat with the white rice and then I saw that I had a little turkey left over and I decided to make something with it. This recipe is for that boring white rice you have in your fridge and also for that moment you need to be creative to prepare a meal. You can make this without the turkey and with fresh white rice. But in this case I just worked with what I he'd. Check out the recipe below and leave a comment!!!!!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Chicken Meat Pie

This  recipe was made in honor of Nigerian Independence, Happy 53th Birthday!!! Nigerian is the land of Suya, the land of garri and soup, the land were they teach you to work hard and play smart. The land were all things are possible as long as you have connections. I salute you!!! I am proud to be a Nigerian. Being Nigerian has made me who I am today, it has taught me a thing or two about culture, dedication and motivation.  Today's recipe is motivated by the beautiful Nigerian culture. I grew up eating this snack and as an adult I still enjoy this beautiful snack. Chicken meat pie will always be one of the best party snack or snack Nigeria invented.Check out this chicken pie recipe and let me know what you think.  I will like to thank my friend Kelechi for helping me in preparing this recipe.

Friday, October 11, 2013

Stew with Goat Meat

I was talking to one of my cousins and he was telling me his journey to making stew. He said all he did was to put maggi and tomatoes and that was it, and at the end of the cooking, it came out not too good. So i told him that i will be making stew and will post the recipe just for him. So today's recipe is for my cousin Kachi. The recipe is very easy especially for people on the go, it does not require a lot of preparation and the blender is your friend. It also good for people who are trying to eat healthy because the recipe doesn't require oil. I always try to find easy and healthy ways to make food. Check out the recipe below and let me know if you agree with me.

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Fried Yam and Eggs

Growing up in Nigeria, we used to eat fried yam and eggs for breakfast. It used to be one of my favorites food. Even street vendors sale yam on the street which is always amazing. It has been a while since I had yam, so when hubby came home with yam, I knew I had to revisit my childhood memory of having fried yam with eggs. Although you can make yam in different ways, I have always found frying it to be the easiest. It may not be the healthiest but once you have your eggs on the side, it becomes a balanced diet. But is not something you want to eat on a daily bases. Here is my recipe for my fried yam and eggs, I hope you enjoy it as much we did.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Okra Soup

Today is a special and beautiful day!!! We welcomed the newest and the most handsome baby to join our growing family. I'm officially the newest Auntie in town to " Jonathan Chimeremeze Madubike". This blog is dedicated to welcome you and to let you know that you are very loved. Please Help me to say a big Congrats to my Big sister Daugo and Big Brother Justice on there new Baby Boy!!!
The recipe for today is for making Okra soup. Okra Soup happens to be one of my favorites soup and the easiest soup to make. My sisters have been asking when i will upload a soup recipe. Well today being a special day, I decided to make Okra soup. Trust me this soup is very easy to make, tasty and also good for vegetarian(take out the goat meat) and also helps with your digestive system. Check out the recipe below:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Spaghetti with Sardine

Yesterday, Sept 10, 2013 was hubby(love you) and I three years anniversary since we became official. It also happened to be one of my long days at work but not with standing, it was still our anniversary and I had to make something special. I really had no energy to cook being that I worked through lunch but it was still our special day. So I'm here thinking, what to do? What is the quickest meal to make that doesn't require too much energy and little time? Spaghetti with Sardines was the answer. My week has been so busy that I didn't realize that I was out of some key Ingredients (onions). But you always have to improvise. At the end of the day, the food took about 15 minutes, it was good and  hubby was happy. The best foods are the ones you make without much ingredients. Try this recipe and I promise you that this will always be your go to meal when you are tired and also trying to impress and be fancy.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

Moi Moi (oven baked)

On labor day, I went to my in-laws place and was challenged and given the task to make Moi Moi. This came about when I was bragging about the Akara that I made using the "Beans Flour". I bet them that I could make Moi Moi using the same Beans Flour. FYI, I have never made Moi Moi before but I wasn't about to let them know. So of course when in doubt the next best thing to do is to call Mom, she gave me the step by step of how to make it. Lets just say that the Moi Moi came out so good, that I was not able to take any home because it was all gone. They were very proud and I was happy.  This recipe is a lot different from the normal long process of making Moi Moi and is definitely worth a try.  This recipe does not require a lot of man power but rather requires a lot of relaxation. 

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Akara Remix

Quote of the day "don't let anyone define your happiness, your happiness lay with you", enough of the deep stuff, the recipe for today is Akara with a twist. I bet you are wondering what is the twist, I used beans flour instead of the normal long process of making it. I had a taste for Akara but I did not have the energy required to make it. I discovered that beans flour is the same as beans used for making Akara.  I called my mom who is a master chef to tell me the step by step process of making Akara and it turned out great. It only took about 10 minutes to prepare. Here is what you need:

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Watermelon and Pineapple Smoothies

I have a thing for smoothies and I always try different fruits to see how it will blend together. We happened to have watermelon in the fridge and I decided to blend it and see the turn out. It was great and I wanted to share the recipe with you. Hope you will enjoy it as much as we enjoyed it. This is very easy to make and is good for breakfast especially for those on the go!!!

Pepper Gizzard

This recipe is dedicated to my sister, Daonyi and cousin Okeorji (the only way i get him to come by to help me with something). My sister and cousin has been asking me to make this or to at least to put the recipe up on the blog. I happened to have some visitors over this weekend who requested for this particular dish. So I finally made this recipe and I wanted to share it with everyone. This recipe is not difficult but take about 30 to 40 minutes to prepare, but I consider it to be fun all the way through. FYI: this dish is very spicy but is really tasty

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Grilled Salmon with Homemade Suya Sauce and Vegetables

In the spirit of eating healthy, I made this dish for dinner last night, it was my first time trying it but it was very yummy in my tummy. My friend gave me the recipe for the Suya Sauce and i decided to put a little spin on it. To my surprise it was a hit since i didn't really follow the recipe as instructed (Sorry). Making this dish has two different parts to it but both are very easy. You can eat the grilled salmon with a salad but personally i don't like salads (i feel like am eating grass) that's why i used mixed vegetable.

Friday, August 16, 2013

Snack for work-Buns

I was at work today wishing that I had a snack to eat. Then I started thinking about childhood when in primary school we use to eat buns and puff puff for snacks. I actually went over to my boss who happens to be Nigerian and will be the only person at work that would understand my craving and explained  to her that I wanted Buns. She laughed and told me a place  I could buy it but I told her that I will rather make it and will bring her some tomorrow. Below is my attempt at making Buns, it came out very delicious. I have some leftover in case you want some. Try it and let me know how it turns out, is very easy to make.

Thursday, August 15, 2013


I have been a little under the weather for the past two days that's why I haven't posted any new recipe. But I made "Suya", this is one of my favorite things to make and is always a hit anytime I make it.  I will like to share the recipe with you, hopefully you will come to love it as much as i do. The Suya came out really nice and my personal taster (Uche) was very pleased and till date is still requesting for more. Do try the recipe and let me know what you think.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Breakfast for Dinner-Blueberry and Strawberry Smoothie

Who said you can't have breakfast for dinner, after all they are all It has been a long day and I just got back from kickboxing, today's class was a success, Uche was able to stay in class the entire time, I was a very proud wife. When we got back we were so tired and  had no energy to make dinner. We decided that we needed something fast and light.  How about our breakfast smoothie? It takes about 2 minutes to prepare and gives  you energy. Tonight dinner is our breakfast smoothie.  I don't have a name for this smoothie, so I will call it  Blueberry and Strawberry Smoothie, Below is the recipe.

Try and let me know what you think...Feel free to leave a comment.

Friday, August 9, 2013

Dinner Tonight- Chicken Alfredo Pasta

Yesterday was a very interesting and hectic day for me. I had about two meetings at work, one of which lasted about an hour and a half consisting of me talking the whole time. After work I went to the eye doctor to get glasses and then to my parents which is always pleasant. Overall it was good day but by the time I finally got home, all my energy was gone making me unable to make dinner. But I did have dinner, it was a bottle of tasty water so I couldn't share it with you. Today is a new day and dinner is dedicated to my sister Ngo, She called me earlier today and requested that I make this for dinner. But you know before I could proceed I had to ask my oga at the top if he wants that for dinner. Of course he said Yes because secretly he loves it. So here is the recipe for dinner tonight. is very tasty and very easy to make. My oga at the top was very pleased. FYI, I still have some

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Dinner Tonight- Jollof Rice with Salmon

Earlier today I was at work thinking of what to eat for dinner. I remembered that my husband(Uche) has been asking me to make Jollof rice for him since he bought avocado last weekend. After we got home I only had a few minutes to make the food before going to my kickboxing class. That class was no joke, I was sweating like a Christmas goat. The funniest thing was that at the middle of the class, Uche couldn't take it anymore and ran away but he later came back toward the end of class. The instructor made everyone do 20 push ups because we are supposedly a team. I'm finally home, a little sore but ready to share my dinner recipe with you. Enjoy!!!!

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Welcome to my food blog!!!!!!This is a new experience for me and I hope we can all learn and share it together. I'm not a professional chef but just an average person who loves to cook. I grew up eating African and American food and as an adult I found a way to incorporate both the African and American style of cooking to come up with my own. The blog will feature African and American food recipes and some of my own creations. I will love to hear from you and to share recipe ideas. Let the Journey Begin!!!!!